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Insurance Blog

Please read our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.

The Importance Of An Insurance Checkup

Every year, it is advised that you take the time to get an "insurance checkup." Your financial health is an important issue, one that will affect every area of your life. Having the correct levels of coverage for your business insurance and personal insurance is a critical issue, and your policies should be reviewed on a yearly basis. As a business changes and grows, insurance...

Enjoy the holidays, fire-free, with tips from Grinnell Mutual

As the holiday season approaches, homes will soon be glowing with decorations both inside and out, delicious foods will be baked, menorahs lit, and carefully wrapped packages will appear under Christmas trees. Though often forgotten, the season and its traditions pose an increased risk for fire hazards. “In the 31 years that I have been conducting fire investigations, I have heard countless times, ‘I always...

If You Get a Scald - Follow these Tips!

You can help prevent scalds at home and in the kitchen. If you get a scald, follow these tips. 1. Cool the scald. Treat a scald right away by putting it in cool water. Cool the scald for three to five minutes. 2. Uncover the scald. Remove all clothing, diapers, jewelry and metal from the scalded area. These can hide underlying scalds and retain heat, which...

Prepare Yourself and your Vehicle for Winter

Many Midwest drivers accept that snow and ice may make driving in winter a challenge. While you can’t change the weather, you can take steps to make sure you and your vehicle are ready for what Old Man Winter delivers. Grinnell Mutual recommends winterizing your vehicle before driving in wintry conditions. Inspect your vehicle Cold temperatures put added stress on your vehicle. Oil and other...

Fight the Urge to Swerve When You See Deer!

“When you see a deer, your first and best response should be to slow down,” said Kevin Dowling, assistant vice president of Direct Claims at Grinnell Mutual Reinsurance Company. Swerving makes a bad situation worse Fight the urge to swerve when you spot a deer on the road. Swerving to avoid a deer may make a bad situation worse, leading to a more serious accident...