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Insurance Blog

Please read our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.

Is My College Student Covered?

College students have a lot on their minds this time of year besides meeting back up with friends. They’re purchasing textbooks, finalizing class schedules, applying for jobs, and moving back into apartments.  With classes underway, has your college student considered purchasing renters insurance? This young group of renters own a significant amount of electronics (including laptops, cell phones, ipods, televisions, and more), in addition to...

You Or Your Car: Who Is Insured?

Auto insurance policies are written in complex legal language and most people will purchase a policy without fully understanding what is actually covered. So if you get in an accident while driving another person's car, will your auto insurance policy cover you? What about while you are driving a rental car? The fact is that each policy is different and typically the liability coverage follows...

Is My Student's Personal Information Protected?

Who better to impersonate than someone who has no reason to check his or her credit report? That’s why 500,000 children under age 18 are victims of identity theft each year. Because parents are repeatedly asked to share their children’s personal information as they grow up, it’s easy for parents to expose kids to fraud without realizing it. College students, too, are at a high...

What The Blink?! Protecting your Home from Power Surges.

Have you ever had the lights flicker or dim at your home or place of business? If you answered, yes, you have experienced a power quality issue. Should you be concerned about power quality issues? The answer is a resounding yes. With today’s array of smart appliances and sophisticated components within your home and business, power quality is an issue about which everyone should be...

How to Avoid Lightning

There are important things to know when it comes to how to avoid lightning. Some precautions you can take well before a storm arrives are to prepare a disaster supplies kit and to properly care for your trees. Once you hear that first clap of thunder, remember to: Postpone outdoor activities. Heed the 30/30 Lightning Safety Rule: Go indoors if, after seeing lightning, you cannot count...