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Insurance Blog

Please read our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.

On The Road With Uninsured Motorists

A car accident is a shocking event, even when damages are minimal and there are no serious injuries. But at least the insurance company should pay for your vehicle repairs – if you have the right policy. Thankfully, we know car insurance and we want to help you get the coverage that's best for you before you need it. When the Accident Wasn't Your Fault...

Is Your Condo Covered?

Living in a condo brings together the best of both worlds -- apartments and houses. You own the condo outright, so if you want to paint the walls electric purple, go for it. And you don’t have to worry about things like lawn maintenance or other pesky chores. Just as living in a condo is a unique blend of apartment living with homeownership, condo insurance...

Psst! 'Password' is not a Password!

While it’s easy to remember, 123456 is not an effective password. In SplashData’s fourth annual list of the most popular passwords of 2015, the top four were variations of the numerals one through nine. Number two on this list was “password.” Even if you are more creative with your passwords, you may not be doing enough to protect your business, your personal information, or your...

The Value Of Employee Sick Days For Business Owners

While it can be easy to see how sick days would be beneficial to your employees, they are equally valuable to you as an employer. Taking a day or two off from work affects immediate productivity, but the consequences of employees "toughing it out" and coming to work sick are far greater.  Coming to Work Sick: Why Not to Do It When there's a lot to be accomplished...

What to Know about Ice Dams

If you’re no stranger to snow, then an ice dam on your roof is a dangerous seasonal possibility. An ice dam is a ridge of ice that forms at the edge of a roof and prevents melting snow from draining off the roof. From gutter damage to unintended injuries, an ice dam can spell disaster. Fortunately, ice dams can be easily mitigated if you take steps to prevent them...