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Insurance Blog

Please read our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.

Chip Cards and Payment Trends: What Business Owners Need to Know and Do in 2016

Does your business accept chip cards yet? Don’t panic if it’s still on your to-do list, but you may want to get moving on this. Swiping credit cards, a technology dating back to the ’60s, is quickly becoming an outdated process. While there is no law requiring businesses to accept chip cards, there is a shift in liability from banks to businesses. So if your...

8 Maintenance Hacks for Renters

8 Maintenance Hacks Every Renter Should Know One of the biggest benefits of renting versus buying a place of your own is that you usually don’t have to worry about those pesky maintenance needs like mowing a lawn or replacing a hot water heater. And while most rental agreements include a landlord who takes care of your major maintenance worries, there are a few things...

Use Just a Tiny Percent of What You Already Spend to Protect Your Kids

Do you know how much it takes to raise a child these days? Are you sitting down? That would be almost a quarter of a million dollars. It costs $245,000 to raise a child born in 2013 until they hit 18, according to the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. This is not about a luxury upbringing. This is no Kardashian-esque baby outfitted in cashmere onesies. This...

A How To Guide for Renters

Whether your goal is to avoid mowing a lawn or have unlimited access to a pool and fitness facility you never have to clean, or if you just plain don’t want to buy a house, you may be one of the 43 million households in the U.S. who rent a home, apartment or condo. In fact, according to’s 2015 rental market report, rental inventory...

Coverage Check: Is Your Property Protected Against Vandalism?

Vandalism may not be the first issue that comes to mind when you think about your commercial insurance. Unfortunately, this concern is very real and can lead to serious destruction of your property. It is often expensive to repair, and acts such as graffiti can have far-reaching consequences for your business. Why Commercial Property Insurance is Crucial Even a single act of vandalism can directly impact your...