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Insurance Blog

Please read our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.

Avoiding a Deep-Fried Turkey Disaster this Thanksgiving

Did you know Benjamin Franklin — who thought the bald eagle was of “bad moral character” — proposed that a wild turkey be the official bird mascot of the United States? Although he was outvoted, the noble turkey remains a mainstay of American culture and kitchens. According to the National Turkey Federation, nearly 88 percent of Americans eat turkey on Thanksgiving, usually with a generous...

Basic Guidelines For Purchasing Flood Insurance

Do you need flood insurance? Any home or business can be damaged by water incursions, even those located in a low to moderate flood risk area. If you have concerns about the possibility of flooding due to storm conditions, rising water, fast melting snow, mud, or other situations, getting flood insurance could save you thousands, tens of thousands, or more. Our local agents are here...

Buying Life Insurance for the First Time? Then Read These 7 Tips

Maybe you just got married. Or had your first child. Or started a business. Whatever the life event is, you are now buying life insurance for the first time. And that might intimidate and confuse you a little. Help ease your mind by reading the following advice for anyone who is buying life insurance for the first time. 1. Understand who (or what) you’re protecting....

The ins and outs of winterizing your home

The weather is still have more time to button up your house properly! After the Halloween candy has dwindled to the final unwanted packet of candy corn, thoughts begin to turn to winter. Fireside chats, holiday parties, and — you guessed it — snow. Lots and lots of snow. Most of you know how to keep Jack Frost from nipping at your nose, but...

Avoid A Headache When You Can't Avoid What's In The Road

In a majority of cases, hitting an animal while driving is unavoidable. As upsetting as this event can be, it is also capable of causing substantial damage to your vehicle, particularly if the animal is large. Deer-related accidents are common in rural areas, with the average repair from these accidents exceeding $3,300. We recommend that our clients review their auto insurance policy with one of...